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Ships in bottles
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Getting started
"Making Ships in Bottles"
By Leon and Pat Labistour
"The best beginners guide around"
This is the most straightforward introduction to making ships in bottles
available. It is a most encouraging book designed to get a beginner going
in the hobby - and adding material for the advanced modeler as confidence
builds. The book combines Leon's technical expertise and draws on Pat's
long experience both as a modeller and a teacher, to set out the work in stages
- each easily followed.
To read a full review or order a copy on-line or
by post please click here.
European Association of Ships in Bottles
Contact: Membership
Secretary Robert Brinkley at email:
The Association welcomes bottle ship makers, collectors and indeed anyone
interested in the art. Currently there are over 260 members drawn from
right across Europe and around the world, several as far afield as Japan. The
Association publishes the informative quarterly magazine "Bottleship", and has a
regular convention and prize giving.
Dutch Ships in Bottles Association
Model Ship Museum, Enkhuisen, Holland
Ed Note: I visited this Museum some years ago.
It is to be found on the key side at Enklhuisen and contains an astonishing
collection of splendidly crafted bottle ships. Enkhuisen itself is a
traditional fishing port and little has changed in the older part of the town
since the 1600's. Traditional vessels moor here and there is also the Zuider Zee
Musem a short walk from the Model Ship Museum.
© Charles
Smith Publications. Brought on line: 27/04/07. Updated: