Naval & Military Craft

This section of TradBoat is for Associations and restoration groups interested primarily in naval or military craft.  For period ships see our museums section.  As always on TradBoat there is no charge for inclusion here and we will be happy to include a description of your work and a link to your site.  Please, when asking to be included let us have a photograph (by email or land mail) to illustrate the piece, or a copy of your logo.  Email:


The Association of Dunkirk Little Ships

The Dunkirk Little Ships have a number of events - the cruise to Dunkirk every five years  and an Annual Commemorative Cruise at different venues each May Bank Holiday. About 150 boats active.


See also

Dunkirk Little Ships Restoration Trust

Exists to find and arrange for restoration of Dunkirk Little Ships.


British Military Powerboat Trust
Husbands Shipyard Estate
Cracknore  Hard
Marchwood, Southampton
Hants SO40 4ZD

023 8042 8443

A selection of boats has been assembled in the sheds of Husbands Shipyard.  The Trust was established to create a national exhibition centre which would demonstrate the innovation, development and history of twentieth century high speed military craft used by the RN, the RAF and the Army.


 Amongst these are:
 Naval Motor Gun Boat MGB81, the well known RAF Seaplane Tender ST102, a Thornycroft CMB and several craft under restoration.  There is a display of models, photographs and drawings together with a number of engines permanently on display
(If you are modelling military powerboats, particularly of WWI and WWII, then this is a must.  Its on the right hand side of Southampton Water, about half way down, Ed.)